We offer engaging and interactive presentations, at national and international conferences.
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Send an email to john.wallhoff@scillani.se or contact via LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/john-wallhoff/1/48b/a69)
Speaker Portfolio
2020: Cyber Security for critical infrastructure – IT Security Insights, Stockholm/Virtual, Cloud Security Alliance
2020: The Balance Sheet * The Books Dont Balance (Accounts Receivables) – Analytics In Audit Using Arbutus Analyzer – Vancouver/Virtual, Arbutus Software
2020: The Balance Sheet * Trivia (Accounts Payables) – Analytics In Audit Using Arbutus Analyzer – Vancouver/Virtual, Arbutus Software
2020: The Balance Sheet * Lotto (Cash Accounts) – Analytics In Audit Using Arbutus Analyzer – Vancouver/Virtual, Arbutus Software
2020: Vikten av att följa upp sitt utförda arbete – GDPR 2 år senare, Göteborg/Virtual, ATEA
2020: Creating algorithms for AI-Analytics – Internal Audit Virtual Summit, Chile/Virtual, CyberTrust
2020: Cybersecurity in Lockdown, Stockholm/Virtual, private CIO network
2020: Creating algorithms for AI-Analytics – Global Partner Conference, Lisbon, Arbutus Software
2019: Creating algorithms for AI-Analytics – International Conference, Lisbon, ISACA Lisbon chapter
2019: Creating algorithms for AI-Analytics – EuroCacs/CSX, Geneva, ISACA International
2019: Career paths into and within cybersecurity – IT-security Insights, Stockholm, Cloud Security Alliance
2019: Cobit 2019 – ITSM Expo 19, Stockholm, itSMF Sverige
2018: Career paths into and within cybersecurity – IT-security Insights, Stockholm, Cloud Security Alliance
2018: Utmaningar med en virtuell servicedesk i en global verksamhet – itSMF Syd
2018: The value of cyber security and how to address risks – IT-security Insights, Stockholm, Cloud Security Alliance
2017: Dem mänskliga säkerhetsagenten, Support Services Institute – SSI, Stockholm, Sverige
2016: The Workshop – Cyber Security Exposed: 28 days to respond på konferensen Service Management with Superheroes of the world, Oslo, itSMF Norge
2016: The Workshop – Cyber Security Exposed: 28 days to respond på konferensen Service Management with Superheroes of the world, Oslo, itSMF Norge
2016: Cyber Security Crash Course på itSMF Norge 2016 på konferensen Service Management with Superheroes of the world, Oslo, itSMF Norge
2016: The Magic of Analytics på seminariet Integrating data anlytics in the internal audit process, Attard, MFIA/ISACA Malta
2015: The Magic of Analytics på konferensen EuroCACS/ISRM, Köpenhamn, ISACA International
2015: 28 days to respond upon privacy breach på konferensen EuroCACS/ISRM, Köpenhamn, ISACA International
2015: 28 days to respond upon privacy breach på konferensen Transforming IT, Köpenhamn, itSMF Denmark
2015: Digitala spår efter bedrägeri – Big Data vs Din Data på konferensen Sundsvall 42
2015: Cyber Security Crash Course på konferensen it Feels Good, Helsingfors, itSMF Finland
2015: Regler, rutiner och ny dataskyddsförordning på konferensen Service % IT-tjänster, Örebro, SIT-expo
2015: Roundtable med föredrag kring IT-säkerhet på seminarium, Göteborg, itSMF Väst
2014: Casting the Fraud Matrix på Security Congress EMEA, London, ISC2
2014: Fraud Matrix Reconnected på Nordic Conference, Köpenhamn, ISACA Nordic
2014: Att införa ett ledningssystem på konferensen Expo14, Stockholm, itSMF
2013: Service Improvement och mognadsbedömningar på konferensen Expo13, Stockholm, itSMF Sverige
2012: Fraud Matrix på Proff Seminaret 12, Strömstad, Kredinor
2012: ITIL Governance på förkonferensen Sundsvall 42, Sundsvall, itSMF Sverige
2012: ITSM Monitor på frukostmöte, Malmö, itSMF Sverige
2012: Fraud Matrix på Nordic Roadshow, Stockholm, ISACA Sverige
2012: Fraud Matrix på Nordic Roadshow, Oslo, ISACA Sverige
2012: Fraud Matrix på Nordic Roadshow, Finland, ISACA Sverige
2012: Fraud Matrix på Nordic Roadshow, Oslo, ISACA Sverige
2012: Fraud Matrix på Europe ISRM 2011 Conference Barcelona, ISACA International
2011: Passing the Audit på IT Service Managment conference, London, itSMF UK
2011: Fraud Matrix på North America ISRM Conference, Las Vegas, ISACA International
2011: Tänk som en tjuv på IT-South – IT Forensic, Malmö, DFS Syd
2020: Analytics on Practice, Arbutus Software
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